Lafayette Alumni Association, Inc.

Letter from the President
Greetings from your President, Pat Ritchey '67
Thanks to the officers who made my job easier: VP Phil Feigel, who keeps building our email address list for all graduates, secretary, Beth White, who has followed in her mother's (Maud Johnson) footsteps to take care of much more than her secretarial duties, and Treasurer, Marsha Bordas, who had a big job and took it in her stride as she fulfilled her duties and more.
Thank those of you who are committed chairpersons. Scholarship Chair, Jeff Johnson, who works very hard to insure our applicants are well informed as they apply for our scholarship. Steve Rardin and his Hall of Fame committee selected well as you will read in the newsletter. Charles Adams has been diligent as he procures donations for our Scholarship Fund. Thanks to all the committee and core members who are always there to help make our events successful and our committees productive. In our newsletter you will
find a form to sign up & participate in an area of your interest. Many of our committees are just a one-time meeting. Please consider becoming involved and help make our organization bigger, better and always more!
Our events started with our Annual Dinner in July, where the 1963 class joined us for their reunion. Our speaker was Eric Reed, class of 1982 and trainer of 2022 Derby winner Rich Strike. Eric is Lafayette's third Kentucky Derby winning trainer. We enjoyed learning about his journey in the horse racing world. At our Picnic we enjoyed good people, food, and fan, hosted by David Bach and sister, Linda Bach at Outback Farm. Scott Collins and Ron Cox entertained us with wonderful music from several decades. At our Christmas Pot Luck we were entertained by Lafayette's Choral group, which we always enjoy. The Chili Supper was great fun as we went down Football Memory Lane. We even had Orin Morgan, a member of Lafayette's first football team join us. Players from several decades told stories had us laughing and appreciating their experiences as players.
My reason for joining the Association was the imp01iance of the Scholarship, which still holds true. I have received so much more by meeting fellow Lafayette graduates from several decades. This is a gift I would have never received if not for the Alumni Assoc. I encourage you to keep your dues up to date and decide how you can become involved.